The Original Letter from Santa
Our basic package featuring a 100% personal letter from Santa at the North Pole! Choose from up to 15 different customizable templates to personalize, or you may choose to write your own completely unique letter from Santa. The choice is yours.
The Nice List Package 
Our acclaimed Original Letter from Santa package PLUS an Official North Pole Nice List ID Card included. Each ID card features a custom full color design with your child's name printed right on the front of the card! Just like a grown up credit card but without the bill!
Santa's Magic Key Package 
Santa's magic brings this key to life and allows ONLY SANTA to open the door on Christmas eve when there's no chimney for him to use! This key is a custom made extra large pewter key that will become a wonderful family keepsake and ornament for years to come.
The North Pole Package 
The magic of Christmas is delivered to your door with this all-inclusive package.